Fur for Faces, Chests & Collars

In a bid to hold a truce between the forces of Cold and Cool, I have adorned my tree-like self with fur around the neck and rips-slash-vents at the knee. Threw in a denim-and-tartan hybrid, left it open for pneumonia's sake and scandalously topped it off with brown boots under black jeans. Completely failed to dedicate any attention to my hair, facial or cranial, and so here I am, verging on homeless. I'm trying to pass it off as my styling gear, as these album-cover-ready photos were taken before the shoot we styled for Nicky Scicluna, which you can see if you CLICK ME. ME! ME! ME!

 Zara jacket (old) | Asos shirt, boots, bar necklace, rings and sunglasses | River Island jeans with DIY rips | wishbone necklace (seen below) from Etsy

Signing posts off is becoming increasingly difficult, so I leave you with a quote by Gérard Depardieu:
"'Tis not ze legs zat make ze frog. It is ze frog zat is too dumb to get itself cooked. C'est ça, ma chérie."

San x 

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