Side By (Sea)Side

She sells seashells by the sea shore, but nobody buys them because she trips over her words.

I actually wore this outfit last Sunday, when I went to watch the KSU Studentsfest, which was an excellent production of The Lion King (cheekily dubbed "#LionKink"). It was my first time in four years that I hadn't taken part and I must admit that I was a tiny (read: "extremely") jealous of everyone who took part. All in all, it exceeded my expectations. Well done to everyone involved.

You've already seen this jacket here, and I thought this time I could amp up the style factor (whatever that means) by incorporating it in a slightly more formal outfit. Moreover, the temperature's rising by the second, so I'm trying to grab any opportunity to wear my new jackets before it becomes unbearably hot.

Jacket by Zara, jeans by FSBN, shirt and shoes by Asos, vintage watch.

The only people around were all over the age of 40, but thankfully they took heed of the sign.

See you around! *high five*
Sandro x

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