Archive for November 2013
Tweed Biker
Hello all! Excuse my partial absence but I took some time off from the real world by using my birthday as an excuse.

We would like to interrupt our regularly scheduled programme to wish our November-born third of a whole a WONDERFUL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
There's loads to say about our fabulous Claire. She's beautiful, clever, creative and interesting. What sets hers apart from the rest of our friends is that, despite her obvious good looks, she never chose to go down the predictable path towards conventional beauty. Her slightly skewed perspective has, rather than marginalised her, earned her the respect and awe of all those lucky enough to have met her in some form or fashion. On a more personal note, Nicole and I know that behind closed doors, she is as silly and human as you and I. We've seen her in her uncool pyjamas, we have photos of her pulling weird expressions that have yet to see the light of day (tick, tock…) and know for a fact that, despite her "I'm so indie it hurts" façade, she has an undying love for The Saturdays.
Now that we've dished the dirt and poured it all over her birthday cake, it's time to clean it off and light the candles for her to blow out. We wish you the best year of your life – it's got to be, we'll be there – and we can't wait to walk the same path we've walked for the last five years.
We love you veeeeeeeery much!
xx Nicole & Sandro xx
On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
We will not apologise for the Mean Girls reference. It is the hub and soul of all relevant quotes and therefore, excusable by its own nature.
Sunday Circle: November Extras
As you can tell from the photos, we had extremely good weather back in October. Thank goodness we held most of the shoot indoors. Take it from us, outwear and sunshine are a lethal combination. We've wrapped up on our December feature for the Sunday Circle which has yet to come out. However, as a thank-you gift for your patience, here are some outtakes from the November shoot at Caffe Cordina.
Mexican Fall
No I'm not in Mexico (I wish), but this Zara coat is quote reminiscent of the home of the taco, all I need is a sombrero. I thought I'd let it live up to its glory, and wear a simple all-black outfit underneath to set it off nicely.
These past few months have been insane. What with so many events taking place, work taking a central position and personal projects picking up, sitting down and actually getting down to putting together this travel journal entry has been quite a journey in itself.

Sunshine in November

The above photo made its very dignified appearance on our Facebook page and Instagram (#cloudedrevolution, get in on the action). I find selfies totally excusable if you pull this sort of face. You know, ugly but not? We're so cute teddy bears want to take us home.
Silence by C&R
It's safe to say that, amongst our top Maltese fashion designers, Charles&Ron reign supreme. Twenty years in the Maltese fashion scene are a milestone and a half, as longevity and relevance are hard to achieve in a relatively small community like ours. What is admirable about Charles Borg and Ron van Maarschalkerweerd's work, especially in recent years, is their fidelity towards current trends, which never rang truer than in their latest collection, Silence, which they presented at Moda Malta on the 1st of November.

Old Updates

When in doubt, well, just put a few of your favourite pieces together, it (generally) works...
TCR x Debenhams #2 ft. Warehouse
Post by Debenhams Malta.
Our second video collab with Debenhams is out now! This time the girls are flaunting the newest brand to join Debenhams' endless lineup, Warehouse, launching today at Debenhams Tigne. Fresh and trendy, pretty much in line with their Red Herring brand, Warehouse pieces are made for the stylish girl looking for daring and dashing duds that can take her from day to night with as little effort as possible. Funky background music not included.
All clothes by Warehouse. Claire's boots are by Red Herring, Nicole's are Principles by Ben De Lisi, all at Debenhams. Accessories are Claire and Nicole's own.