About Us

From styling fashion spreads on student magazines to the blogosphere, we – that is, Claire, Nicole and Sandro – are ready to take on the Maltese fashion scene with our own brand of style and vision. Although coming from different backgrounds, we share the same passion for clothing and design, and hope that, one day, we will achieve success in the world of fashion by encouraging people not to be afraid of thinking outside the box. "Boring" doesn't feature in our vocabulary.

Contact us via email on info@cloudedrevolution.com.

Fashion has always been a big part of my life. Being a twin I always felt that the way I dressed could really help me stand out as an individual. Fashion is fun, planning my outfit always makes my morning that much brighter. I have just graduated in Architecture and am working in Interior Design and loving it. My life revolves around fashion and design and hopefully this blog will give you a taste of what that's like.

They say that "what you see is what you get". Although I don't think the maxim's entirely true, I do feel that part of it applies during everyday life. Now that I've become part of the working world, I believe that it has become truer than ever. Presentation is key! Marrying fashion and marketing, which is my line of work, is a challenge I welcome with open arms. Finding two other people who share my same love of fashion while trying to balance out other ambitions has been both a consolation and one of the many foundations on which our wonderful friendship is built! Have a great read!

I haven't always been a lover of fashion. Shopping for clothes with my mother used to be a nightmare, especially when I'd rather have been screwing my eyesight in front of the computer. I realised what a great influence clothes had on most people when one of my best friends started attracting a lot of attention when we were sixteen. Bit by bit my interest grew and, with a few mishaps, here I am, part of a blogging threesome. I hope you'll find plenty of inspiration and have a good time reading about our escapades!

One Response to “ About Us ”

  1. Hello guys i visited today your blogspot. I found it really fantastic and very usefull for me. Actually i love your style. I know Nico and really i am very happy for you.. Congrats for your job guys. Greetings from Greece :)
