Nothing feels better than wool on a cold monday morning when you would rather be in bed. Here's what I wore to work yesterday. I've had this beanie for ages, and it's always running around in my bag just in case I need to give my tired head some TLC.
I found this sweater while browsing through the Asos website for something a little different. This deep purple number is made of neoprene, a foam-like fabric used for scuba gear! It gives the sweater an odd rigid boxy structure that I adore.
So, it's raining hard outside and it's been so uncharacteristically cold lately that an outfit post would be pretty useless when all I wear is a uniform of comfie cozy sweaters. So here goes a post about tumblr. I love tumblr. I would describe my tumblr page as a shrine for all the things I find inspiring from fashion to interior design – a virtual scrapbook, if you will.
Ok, I admit it I've been a terrible, terrible blogger lately. No posts for a week??!! Tsk tsk! I promise (well, I'll try) to be more proactive this week.