Ok, I admit it I've been a terrible, terrible blogger lately. No posts for a week??!! Tsk tsk! I promise (well, I'll try) to be more proactive this week.
In other news, got a bit of a hair makeover this week – well, a slight but much-needed change. You see, for those of you who don't know me, I'm known to be a bit scissor-happy with my hair, having gone from curly to straight to fringe to bob to every-type-of-pixie-cut-you-can-imagine. Now I've grown my short hair out I was getting slightly bored of the overgrown sixties fringe. So yeah, gave my hair a shoulder-length trim and my eyebrows a breathe of fresh air.

My hair inspo was a little Rooney Mara, a little Abbey Lee Kershaw but I'm loving that the end result is more Uma Pulp Fiction era; I mean, who didn't want to look like Mia after watching that movie? :)

Claire X