There was a certain frisson (to use one of Nicole's favourite words) of anticipation as the guests filed into the hall. Their large number alone was testament to
Luke Azzopardi's popularity. We watched curiously as they shuffled into Sir Robert Sammut Hall, reverently keeping their voices down as if in the presence of the Dalai Lama. "Reverence" is a good word, because it encompasses both the attitude of the attendees towards Luke's creative genius, and the designer's approach to the art he 'borrowed' for his
Pierced collection. A twisted reverence, perhaps – if one had to imagine a conversation between Luke and the artists he referenced, with lots of hair whipping and flicking for good measure, it would go something like this: "I admire and adore your work. However, I have my own way of showing my appreciation, so you sit back and watch the show and let
me do my thing with
your work. You don't have a say in it, but you
will like it." And like it we did.
Art aficionados will go crazy for this collection. Lovers of juxtaposition will find themselves uncharacteristically untorn in their love for the clash of modern and classic. It makes you wonder if Luke titled his collection Pierced because he envisioned its effect on the audience's hearts. The contrast of Renaissance pieces and tweed fabrics with exposed midriffs, religious iconography and pixelation exudes an exquisite charm that even people unfamiliar with fashion will be attracted to. The inspirations were endless. A hint of orientalism, a dash of Maltese culture, a pinch of Lolita – just enough to keep the tastebuds happy but the stomach yearning for more.
It's hard to describe the atmosphere of the show to people who weren't present, but we hope the photos can trasmit some of the sensations. Our outfit photos are further below.
No, we didn't stage a holdup at
Mvintage. Not saying we
weren't tempted either. And boys, don't be fooled by the rocks that they got – some of their wares are very male-appropriate. In fact, Sandro's rocking three items in total. Not too shabby a deal, eh?
Crop top by Zara | Skirt by River Island
Double-breasted blazer by Asos | Shirt by H&M | Jeans by River Island | Long pendant necklace by Skool ov Jenius via Asos (birthday present from Claire and Nicole)
Silver band rings and gold stone ring by
Asos |
Multifaceted ring by
Mvintage | Scarf, as belt, by
Fred Perry |
Double wrap bracelet by
Mvintage | Cord bracelet by
Abercrombie & Fitch (present from Nicole <3)
Shirt by CheapMonday | Dress by H&M